How to Stay Motivated? (Long Post)
“Attitude is everything, so pick a good one.” – Wayne Dyer
Discover practical strategies for staying motivated, tips to keep your enthusiasm high, and techniques to maintain inspiration. This guide makes boosting motivation simple, helping you achieve your personal and professional goals with ease.
Understanding Motivation: The Key to Success
Career is an indispensable part of the people who are ambitious. Challenges keep knocking at the door of the people who dare to make a difference. They try to tread on the untrodden paths and to outshine others.
But they are usually the ones who had literally nothing and start from scratch, for example, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Late Ex-President, M.S. Dhoni skipper of the Indian Team, and Dhiru Bhai Ambani Founder of Reliance Company.
The world is full of people who made themselves a substance. The question is what force drove them to shine like an Astral on the zenith? There must be something that kept them going even when there were no resources or support to lean on.
The big question is What motivated them and other great leaders to be where they are?
The answer is hidden in the question itself i.e. MOTIVATION. The word is derived from the word motive which comes from the Latin words motivus, meaning moving, and movere, meaning to move.
It is the driving force that enables the person to initiate and maintain goal-oriented behaviour. Motivation has three factors Desire, Drive and Destination.
Desire is an Urge behind most of the actions of a man. They can be name, fame, wealth, recognition, opportunities to have a say and VIP treatment.
“Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.” ― Roy T. Bennett,
The drive is the Trigger set towards motive which represents the behaviour of a person which initiates acceleration.
Every enterprise has a certain Destination or goal to achieve. Let us focus on the ways to create a persona which can be unmatched:
9 Highly Effective Ways to Stay Motivated
Dare to Dream
No matter what financial strata you belong to. Dreams are the ones which act as the ignition. The fire in the belly comes when the dreams repeat and make you sleepless and make you too impatient to work on them.
They advocate you to transform from the caterpillar to pupa which is the time to introspect, check and manoeuvre you and send sparks towards the field of your interest.
Finally, the lashes of fortune will help you to transform and fly like a beautiful butterfly.
Set your Ambition to Stay Motivated
Life without an aim is the boat in the sea that has no shore. It ends with nowhere to reach and such people survive on whatever comes easy or handy.
Sometimes lady luck may shine upon them which is a negligible chance. They are like a part of the herd of sheep known as commoners.
They are not go-getters but wait for the turning point which may bring them a fortune. They underestimate themself by comparing themselves with others.
They forget it is the differences that make each one of Us Unique and only the X-factor needs to be ignited.
“Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis.” ― Zig Ziglar,
Read and Ponder to Stay Motivated
It is the work of the leaders which brings better ideas. Explore the works of the people of the field as they had left the footprints which had faded due to the generation gap and the better facilities available with the advancement in technology due to enhanced opportunities.
Thus, the work and the words of the Wise help to come up with the work of difference. It is said that leaders don’t do different things but they do it differently.
The work of the leaders in the past helps to evolve the ways of sure success to a great extent.
Discuss with your trustworthy people and avoid shallow one who has more negativity
When walking or preparing to walk on the path which is untrodden frontiers, it becomes important to discuss the situation where one feels stuck. One obstacle sometimes leads to another.
Thus, making it to be a vicious circle. This could be a hindrance to understanding how to break the chain. There comes the role of a reliable person who understands you (where it is not important for the person to be in your field). It can be parents, friends or spouses.
Never belittle anyone but trust them if they are not going to bash your progress, especially the friends who have a shallow mindset and are more of spreading negativity.
Keep a check on your attitude and principles in your life.
Behaviour plays a vital role. One should not let the adrenaline rush through your veins when failures are falling in line. Usually, people start cursing, abusing, and even at times hitting others who are weaker in position.
The Fall is considered a stigma and often unbearable. Therefore, weak principles lead people to fall prey to liquor, smoking or drugs as a part of their work in order to concentrate or destress.
Instead, be steadfast to the principles in your life as these values make a person respectable in society. Thus confidence comes and the public at large has a trust which makes the sheer grit to take charge to march towards the goal with the head held high.
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford
Focus on the Ways to Achieve Them
Hanging a picture of your Goal in some visible place like on your desk or near your bed.
They will keep you enthusiastic otherwise excitement begins to wane as it is said “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” Remain focussed on the goals set. Hurdles come to test your potential and make you stronger.
Never deter from the aim set. When the hindrances come to think like a Protagonist, rise like a phoenix and stand like a mountain in front of it- TRY ME. Believe a minute in yourself.
In the instant, the courage, strength and more determined you will be.
Break up your Goals Time Management
Chart Your Progress. Break it into smaller, mini-goals. Start with easier tasks and work your way up to bigger challenges.
Introspect and Visualize your goal clearly, on a daily basis. Keeping a daily logbook of your goal can also be a great motivator. Putting first things first can save time and energy.
Visualize your successful outcome intrinsically. Consider the ambition of a far destination segregated with milestones on the highway. Set the time for each milestone to cross.
Relax for a few moments and smile at yourself but never waste time celebrating pompously. It will reduce the time and accelerates the pressure to cross the next milestone.
The overstretch may lead to failure or may affect your health due to overstrain.
Diet and Physical Mental-Emotional Health
A healthy body has an active mind which has the synergy to endure and make the person resilient which is a must for physical and mental-emotional health.
Reading good literature, and music shuns boredom and energises the mind to work at full capacity. Sometimes recreation by going on a vacation after long hours of work at a stretch also refuels exaltation.
Take victory and defeat in your Stride-Celebrate
Carve out a niche for yourself amongst the people you know by taking victory and defeat in a positive manner. Sachin Tendulkar, the cricket known as the master blaster has scored the highest number of runs.
He remained calm and composed when shot centuries on the cricket ground and even when he was out one or two runs short of the centuries.
How difficult it is to handle it! But it is patience that earned him respect all over the world.
He had played the maximum number of test matches and survived as a most respectable person even amongst the cricketers known for rough behaviour.
To Conclude.
“A person cannot be a skilled sailor in a smooth sea”.
Success comes when the person simply refuses to give up. Failures, obstacles and losses act as motivation as the goals are too strong, Pleasure comes with positive thinking towards the target set and pushing out the negative thoughts.
With the attitude of Thinking Win-Win. Also, good reading, and a proactive demeanour, are the ways to keep the traveller motivated and focused with determination. “Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”
Stay Positive Stay Motivated
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