CBSE Invites Self Nominations for the National Awards to Teachers 2023-24

Written by Shiksha Press

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Self Nominations Open for National Awards to Teachers 2023-24

Ministry of Education Celebrates Outstanding Teachers. Nominations for the National Teachers’ Awards 2024 are open until 15th July 2024. Submit your entries now!

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The Ministry of Education, Government of India, is inviting self-nominations for the National Awards to Teachers 2023-24. These prestigious awards celebrate the unique contributions of exceptional teachers across the country. This year, the Ministry seeks six nominations from private independent schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

The National Teachers’ Awards celebrate the unique contributions of the finest school teachers and heads of schools in the country. These awards acknowledge and honor those who, through their dedication and hard work, have significantly enhanced the quality of school education and positively impacted the lives of their students.

Who Is Eligible to Apply?

Are You Eligible as a Teacher?

•Teachers must have completed at least 10 years of regular service in schools affiliated with a recognized Board of School Education by March 31, 2024.

•Teachers who retire on or after March 31, 2024, are also eligible.

Are You Eligible as a Principal?

•Principals must have completed 10 years of regular service as a teacher and 5 years as a principal in CBSE-affiliated schools by March 31, 2024.

•Principals cannot apply in the category of teachers.

Can You Apply Under Multiple Categories?

•Applicants can apply under only one category.

Teachers must have completed at least 10 years of regular service as a teacher in schools affiliated with a recognized Board of School Education by 31st March 2024.

2. Principals must have completed 10 years of regular service as a teacher and 5 years as a principal in CBSE-affiliated schools by 31st March 2024.

3. Teachers or Principals who retired on or after 31st March 2024 are also eligible to apply.

4. Principals cannot apply in the category of teachers.

5.An applicant can apply under only one category.

How to Submit Your Application?

What Are the Application Requirements?

•All applications must be submitted online through the CBSE portal.

•The application link is available at CBSE and CBSE Academic.

What Documents Are Needed?

Applicants must submit the following documents:

•An undertaking stating the correctness of the submitted particulars and the authenticity of the uploaded documents.

•Recommendation letters, continuous and regular service records, and vigilance clearance.

•Certificates, degrees, and mark statements indicating date of birth and educational qualifications.

•Class results in Board/School exams.

When Is the Deadline?

•All applications must be submitted on or before July 15, 2024.


How Is the Selection Process Conducted?

What Is the Selection Procedure?

•From the final merit list, 24 top scorers will be shortlisted based on experience, age, higher qualifications, and percentages in qualifying exams.

•In case of a tie, CBSE reserves the right to apply alternative criteria.

•Shortlisted applicants will have two days to upload their verified documents, signed by the applicant and verified by the Head or Manager of the school.

What Happens After Shortlisting?

•The National Level Scrutiny Committee will invite applicants for an interactive session to finalize the six nominations.

How Can School Heads Support?

How Should School Heads Publicize This Information?

•School heads are requested to widely publicize this information to all concerned teachers.

•Ensure that complete information is uploaded on the portal by the last date.

We hope you like these guidelines and participate actively. This initiative is a great opportunity to recognize and honor the dedication and hard work of teachers and principals across India. Let’s celebrate excellence in education together!

For more information, visit CBSE and CBSE Academic.

Read Details about CBSE Self Nominations for the National Awards to Teachers 2023-24

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