500+ Words Speech on Independence day (15 August)

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Speech on Independence Day

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Long and Short Speech on 75th Independence Day/ 15 August 2021 in English

Speech on independence day #1

Respected Chief Guest Sir, Respected teachers, parents and my colleagues, I am feeling happy to get this opportunity to express my views on this auspicious occasion of Independence Day. This is our 75th Independence Day celebration. Exactly 75 years ago today, we got freedom. The story of our freedom struggle is huge which cannot be described in a day. Independence Day holds great importance for every Indian.

75 years ago, we were ruled by the British, they came to India on the pretext of trade and gradually subjugated everything and made us their slaves. Then after fighting many agitations and battles, India became independent on 15 August 1947. Today we have become independent because of the brave warriors of our country and celebrate this day by paying tribute to those people. Independence Day is one of the national festivals of India.

Jai Hind.

Speech on independence day #2

Long and Short Speech on 75th Independence Day/ 15 August 2021 in English

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Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal Sir, Honorable Teachers and Dear Colleagues. Today, on the occasion of Independence Day, I am feeling very happy to get this opportunity to express my thoughts in front of you, let me tell you about the importance of Independence Day.

Independence Day is a historical festival, India got independence from the British 73 years ago today. India, which had lost its existence, regained its identity. The British came to India and after knowing and examining the surroundings very carefully, keeping in mind our weaknesses, attacked us and ruled for about two hundred years. Our brave warriors fought many battles and after that we got freedom on 15th August 1947.

Since then till today, we have been celebrating 15th August every year as Independence Day. Every year the flag is hoisted at the Red Fort by our honorable Prime Minister. After this he addresses the country and then some colorful programs are presented. People from far and wide go to Delhi to see it and those who are unable to go watch its live broadcast.

Thus we celebrate our Independence Day by remembering our brave soldiers.

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Jai Hind.

Speech on independence day #3

Long and Short Speech on 75th Independence Day/ 15 August 2021 in English

Good morning to all my respected teachers, parents, and dear friends. We have gathered here today to celebrate this great national occasion. As we know that Independence Day is a auspicious occasion for all of us. This is a very important day for all Indian citizens and it has been mentioned in history forever. This is the day when we got freedom from British rule after years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. To remember the first day of India’s independence, we celebrate Independence Day every year on 15th August as well as remember the sacrifices of all those great leaders who gave their sacrifices for the freedom of India.

India got independence from British rule on 15 August 1947. After independence we got all the fundamental rights in our nation and motherland. We should be proud of our being Indian and admire our good fortune that we were born in the land of free India. The history of slave India tells everything how our ancestors fought hard and endured the cruel tortures of the firangians. We cannot sit here and imagine how difficult freedom from British rule was. It has taken the sacrifice of lives of countless freedom fighters and several decades of struggle from 1857 to 1947. For the independence of India, the first voice against the British was raised by Mangal Pandey, a soldier working in the British Army.

Later many great freedom fighters fought and gave their whole life for freedom. We all can never forget Bhagat Singh, Khudiram Bose and Chandrashekhar Azad who lost their lives fighting for the country at a very young age. How can we ignore the struggles of Netaji and Gandhiji. Gandhiji was a great personality who taught the lesson of non-violence to Indians. He was the only leader who showed the way of independence through non-violence and finally after a long struggle, the day came on 15 August 1947 when India got independence.

We are very fortunate that our ancestors have given us a land of peace and happiness where we can sleep at night without fear and enjoy the whole day in our school and at home. Our country is developing rapidly in technology, education, sports, finance, and many other areas which would not have been possible without independence. India is one of the countries rich in nuclear energy. We are moving ahead by actively participating in sports like Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games. We have complete freedom to choose our government and are using the world’s largest democracy. Yes, we are free and have complete freedom, although we should not consider ourselves free from responsibilities towards our country. As responsible citizens of the country, we should always be prepared for any emergency.

Speech on independence day #4

Long and Short Speech on 75th Independence Day/ 15 August 2021 in English

Namaskar and Jai Hind to all the respectable people present in this courtyard, teachers, my classmates and all other dignitaries present. We all have gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of this Independence Day on 15th August. Many best wishes and congratulations to all of you on this auspicious occasion. Today, on this auspicious occasion, I have got the opportunity to address all of you, thank you all very much for that.

Friends, as we know, 15th August is a day of honor and pride for every Indian. On 15th August 1947, all our freedom fighters and revolutionaries had given their lives to free our country from the British Empire, and they owe us their sacrifice and freedom of this country. That’s why we celebrate it historically in his memory and honor on this day. On this day, we got freedom from the British rule, which has been oppressing us Indians for almost 200 years, which is incomparable.

The British rule oppressed us Indians for many years and kept us as slaves. There is a saying that “the pot of sin must burst one day”, and according to this saying, on 15th August we got freedom from the slavery of the British and we became completely free. We have also lost many great people of our country in this tireless effort of freedom. Many such great people were born in our country, who did not even care for their lives for the freedom of the country, and sacrificed for the country with laughter. The most important contribution in the independence of our country was given by Mahatma Gandhi, who forced them to leave India by using weapons like truth and non-violence against the British rule. There were many other freedom fighters like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bosh, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad etc. in the independence of the country, who contributed to the independence of India and freed the country from the clutches of British slavery. Got it done

We are very fortunate that in history we got such great freedom fighters and revolutionaries and they not only liberated the country but also the generations to come from the slavery of the British. Because of this we are free today and day by day we are achieving new achievements and new heights.

After 75 years of independence, today our country is moving towards progress in every field. Our country is writing a new chapter every day in a different field, like military power, education, technology, sports and many other fields, it is writing a new dimension every day. Today our military strength is so good that its example is given all over the world, and any country is too scared to look at India with its eyes. Today our military strength is equipped with modern weapons, which have the power to destroy any enemy in the blink of an eye.

As we know that our country has been an agricultural country since ancient times, and after 15th August 1947, our agricultural sector has also changed a lot. After independence, we use new techniques in agriculture and new methods of growing crops to produce large quantities of crops, and today our country is at the forefront of exporting grains. During the war between India and Pakistan in 1965, the then Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan”. And today this slogan proves to a great extent.

Today, after independence, we have made a lot of progress in the field of science. Due to this scientific technology, today India has traveled to the Moon and Mars. By innovating new scientific technology every day, we are taking the country towards a new progress. We are adopting science and technology for ourselves in every field. By adopting science and technology in the field of military, agriculture, education, we have been able to make ourselves at par with the progressive countries. After independence, we have made progress in every field and are writing new dimensions every day.

On this occasion of independence, where we are discussing about the new dimensions of progress of the country, we should never forget that scene of slavery, where our great freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for freedom. Even today, remembering those great people, our eyes become moist. In the glare of today’s new India, we should never forget those great souls who sacrificed everything for the freedom of the country.

Addressing you today on this auspicious occasion, I end my words by paying my respectful obeisances and homage to those great souls, thank you all very much.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai .Jai Hind.

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