Poster Making Competition by Govt. of India on Beat the Heat

Written by Shiksha Press

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Join the NDMA Poster-Making Competition: Promote Heat Wave Safety Through Art

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Posters as a type of visual art have become an important tool for advertising and promoting a plethora of causes. It is in fact a scientifically proven fact that posters have the potential to effectively expand knowledge, change attitudes and alter behaviors.

When the world has witnessed over 10,000 disasters in the last three decades alone, leaving a trail of destruction that affected a staggering six billion people. The severity and frequency of these events are on the rise and their consequences are increasingly affecting new areas to a magnitude not witnessed before.

In recent times, there has been a noticeable rise in the frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves throughout the nation. Even in states that were previously thought to be particularly unlikely, heat wave incidents have been reported, it would be a relevant measure to utilize the creative thinking and aesthetic skills of young artists across the nation, especially in propagating the message of heat wave safety to the masses.

Call to Action for Young Artists

In light of this, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), in collaboration with MyGov like to offer a warm welcome to all the budding artists/students to participate in this Poster-Making competition and use your creative minds to create art that inspires. So, pick up your Canvas, art supplies, turn on your graphic tablets and create breathtaking posters on the theme!

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We welcome entries in the form of hand-drawn sketches, paintings and digital submissions, with any medium, and illustrations. The theme for this contest is “Beat the Heat/ गर्मी को मात दें”


1. Impact and relevance to the theme
2. Ability to stand alone- The poster should be able to stand alone as a clear communication of the theme prescribed.
3. Overall Visual appeal
4. Legibility
5. Quality of graphic


– 1st prize: Rs.10,000/-
– 2nd prize: Rs.5000/-
– 3rd prize: Rs.3000/-
– 3 Consolation Prizes of Rs.1000/- each.

Click here to read the Terms & Conditions

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Govt Essay Writing Competition on My Preparedness for Heat Wave

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