Solar System GK Quiz on Facts about Planets

Written by Shiksha Press

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Solar System Quiz: How Much Do You Know About the Planets?

Hello Students, Welcome to Shiksha Press. As you know, we started a General Knowledge (GK) Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) and trivia series for students. We’ve created many online GK quizzes on various topics, including the solar system, science, moral values, famous people, and special days.

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Today, you can test your knowledge about the solar system! This quiz is all about “Facts about Planets.” We’ll be asking you 20 questions. To pass, you’ll need to earn a minimum of 50% correct answers.

Don’t worry if you don’t pass the first time! You can try the GK Planets solar system quiz again and again whenever you need to brush up on a concept.

Our goal with this planet-based GK trivia is to help you gain knowledge about the topic. So, let’s start the quiz and test your knowledge about space quiz!

Take part in Solar System Planets Quiz: Explore Fun Facts


#1. Which is the densest planet in our solar system?

#2. Which is the coldest planet in our solar system?

#3. Which planet is known as the Blue Planet?

#4. Which is the nearest planet to the Sun?

#5. Which planet has the fastest revolution in the Solar System?

#6. Which planet has the slowest revolution in the Solar System?

#7. Which planet is farthest from the Sun?

#8. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

#9. Which is the biggest planet in our solar system?

#10. Which planet has the fastest rotation in the Solar System?

#11. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?

#12. Which is the nearest planet to Earth?

#13. What is the brightest planet in our solar system?

#14. Venus is also known as what?

#15. What is the biggest satellite of Jupiter?

#16. Which star is known as the brightest outside our solar system?

#17. Which planet is famous for its prominent Great Red Spot, a massive storm system?

#18. Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?

#19. What is the closest star to our solar system?

#20. Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?



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Solar System Facts Quiz- Questions and Answers

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