100+ Basic Keyboard Shortcut Keys and Their Functions

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List of Basic Computer Shortcut Keys Everyone Should Know | Keyboard shortcuts in Windows

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So you must know about keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts will get your work done very fast. With this, you will not need to use the mouse much or go through the menu again and again.

Do You Know These Basic keyboard Shortcut Keys?

Be it for work or studies or entertainment, most people use laptops or computers for all these things. In such a situation, if you also use the computer a lot.

So you must know about keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts will get your work done very fast. With this, you will not need to use the mouse much or go through the menu again and again.

Actually, computer shortcuts are a set of one or more keys, from which commands can be given to the system.

Here we are going to tell you about the most commonly used shortcut keys. With their help, you will be able to use computer programs much faster and easier.

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse. If you are trying to take a screenshot or screengrab, see How to take and annotate screenshots.

Here is the list of basic computer shortcuts:

keyboard Shortcut Keys: keyboard shortcuts windows 11 | keyboard shortcuts list | keyboard shortcut keys pdf | windows shortcut keys pdf | keyboard shortcuts windows 10 pdf | refresh shortcut key | 100 shortcut keys in computer | create keyboard shortcuts windows 10

* Alt + F – For File menu option in the current program.
* Alt + E – for edit option in the current program.
* F1- Universal Help.
* Ctrl + A – To select all text.
* Ctrl + X – To cut the selected item.
* Ctrl + Del – To delete the selected item.
* Ctrl + C – To copy the selected item.
* Ctrl + V – To paste the selected item.
* Home – This takes the user to the beginning of the current line.
* Ctrl + Home – Moves to the beginning of the document.
* Ctrl + End – Moves to the end of the document.
* Shift + Home – Highlights from the current position to the beginning of the line.
* Shift + End – Highlights from the current position to the end of the line.
* Ctrl + (Left arrow) – It moves left one word at a time.
* Ctrl + (Right arrow) – It moves right one word at a time.

Here is the list of basic computer shortcuts:
Here is the list of basic computer shortcuts:

Windows 7 and Windows 10 shortcut keys

The Windows 7 and Windows 10 keyboard Shortcut Keys will make their usage easier and quicker to navigate through the operating system.

These Windows keyboard Shortcut Keys can help you save time and increase your productivity. Learning and using these windows shortcut keys can be beneficial for you during your time using a Windows computer.

So, take advantage of these handy shortcuts and streamline your Windows experience.

Windows logo key + L – Lock your PC

Alt + Tab – Switch between the open applications on your computer

Alt + Shift + Tab – Switch backward between open applications

Windows logo key + Tab – Task view

Alt + Print Screen – Create a screenshot of the current program on your screen

Ctrl + Alt + Del – Reboot or open the Windows task manager

Ctrl + Esc – Flash the start menu

Alt + Esc – Switch between applications on the taskbar

F2 – Rename the selected icon

F3 – Start finding from the desktop

F4 – Open the drive selection when browsing

F5 – Refresh contents

Alt + F4 – Close current open program

Ctrl + F4 – Close the window in the program

Ctrl + Plus Key – Automatically adjust the widths of all columns in Windows Explorer

Alt + Enter – Open the properties window of the selected icon or program

Shift + F10 – Simulate right-clicking on the selected item

Shift + Del – Delete programs/files permanently

Holding Shift During Boot up – Boot safe mode or bypass system files

F11 or Windows logo key + Up Arrow – Maximize the window

Windows logo key + X – Shutdown options

Windows logo key + PrtScn or use Fn + Windows logo key + Space Bar to take a screenshot (depends on your computer hardware)

Ctrl + Tab – Toggle between tabs (right to left)

Microsoft Word and Excel key shortcuts

Microsoft Word and Excel keyboard Shortcut Keys can save you time and make your Task easier. When you learn these Word and Excel key shortcuts and practice them regularly, you can speed up your work and increase your productivity.

Ctrl + A – Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + B – Bold the highlighted selection

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text

Ctrl + N – Open a new or blank document

Ctrl + O – Open options

Ctrl + P – Open the print window

Ctrl + F – Open find box to search text within the document

Ctrl + I – Italicise the highlighted selection

Ctrl + K – Insert a link

Ctrl + U – Underline the highlighted selection

Ctrl + V – Paste the copied data

Ctrl + Y – Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z – Undo the last action

Ctrl + G – Find and replace options

Ctrl + H – Find and replace options

Ctrl + J – Justify paragraph alignment

Ctrl + L – Align selected text or line to the left

Ctrl + Q – Align selected paragraph to the left

Ctrl + E – Align selected text or line to the centre

Ctrl + R – Align selected text or line to the right

Ctrl + M – Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + T – Hanging indent

Ctrl + D – Font options

Ctrl + Shift + F – Change the font

Ctrl + Shift + > – Increase selected font +1

Ctrl + ] – Increase selected font +1

Ctrl + [ – Decrease selected font -1

Ctrl + Shift + * – View or hide non printing characters.

Ctrl + (Left arrow) – Move one word to the left

Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move one word to the right

Ctrl + (Up arrow) – Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph

Ctrl + (Down arrow) – Move to the end of the paragraph

Ctrl + Del – Delete the word to the right of the cursor

Ctrl + Backspace – Delete the word to the left of the cursor

Ctrl + End – Move cursor to end of the document

Ctrl + Home – Move the cursor to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + Space – Reset highlighted text to the default font

Ctrl + 1 – Add single-space lines

Ctrl + 2 – Add double-space lines

Ctrl + 5 – Add a 1.5-line spacing

Ctrl + Alt + 1 – Change text to heading 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2 – Change text to heading 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3 – Change text to heading 3

F1 – Open the help function

Shift + F3 – Change case of selected text

Shift + Insert – Paste

F4 – Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)

F7 – Spell check selected text and/or document

Shift + F7 – Activate the thesaurus

F12 – Save as

Ctrl + S – Save

Shift + F12 – Save

Alt + Shift + D – Insert the current date

Alt + Shift + T – Insert the current time

Ctrl + W – Close document

Google Chrome Shortcut Keys

Google Chrome offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts to improve your browsing experience. By using Google Chrome shortcut keys, you can perform tasks quickly and efficiently.

When You Naturalize yourself with these Chrome shortcut keys then you can save time and you can navigate the web more easily.

Ctrl + Shift + N – To enter Incognito mode

Ctrl + Shift + T – Open the last closed tab

Ctrl + W – Close the active tab

Ctrl + PgDn – Jump to next open tab

Ctrl + PgUp – Jump to the previous open tab

Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 – Jump to a specific tab.

Ctrl + 9 – Jump to the rightmost tab.

Alt + Home – Open your home page in the current tab.

Alt + Space then N – Minimize the current window.

Alt + F then X – Quit Google Chrome

Alt + F or Alt + E – Display the Chrome menu

Ctrl + Shift + B – Display or hide the bookmarks bar

Ctrl + Shift + O – Load the bookmarks manager

Ctrl + J – Open the Downloads page in a new tab

Shift + Esc – Open the Chrome Task Manager

Ctrl + Shift + Delete – Open the clear browsing data options

F5 or Ctrl + R – Refresh the current page

Ctrl + D – Bookmark a page

Google Chrome shortcut keys
Google Chrome shortcut keys

Tally shortcut keys ERP 9

Tally shortcut keys for ERP 9 are an essential tool for those using Tally for accounting and financial management. With a bunch of shortcut keys, You can easily navigate through the software and perform tasks with greater efficiency.

The use of these shortcut keys can save you time and also it will improve your productivity. By learning the most commonly used Tally shortcut keys for ERP 9, users can streamline their workflow and perform their tasks more quickly and accurately.

These are a few essential Tally Shortkeys that you need to know:

ALT + 2 – To duplicate a voucher

ALT + A – To add a voucher

ALT + C – To create a master at a voucher screen

ALT + D – To delete a voucher

ALT + E – To export the report in ASCII, Excel, HTML, OR XML format

ALT + I – To insert a voucher

ALT + G – To select the language configuration

ALT + K – To select the keyboard configuration

ALT + O – To upload the report at your website

ALT + G – To select a language for TALLY.ERP 9 Interface

ALT + M – To Email the report

ALT + N – To view the report in automatic columns

ALT + P – To print the report

ALT + R – To repeat the narration in different voucher type

ALT + S – To bring back a line you have removed using ALT + R

ALT + U – To retrieve the last line which is deleted using Alt + R

ALT+ V – From Invoice screen to bring Stock Journal screen

ALT + X – To cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers

ALT + R – To repeat the narration in different voucher type

CTRL + A – To accept a form

CTRL + B – To select the Budget

CTRL + ALT + B – To check the Company’s Statutory details

CTRL + C  – To select the Cost Centre

CTRL+ E – To select the Currencies

CTRL + G – To select the Group

CTRL + H – To view the Support Centre

CTRL + I – To select the Stock Items

Ctrl + Alt + I – To import statutory masters

CTRL + K – To log in as a Remote Tally.NET User

CTRL + L – To select the Ledger

CTRL + O – To select the Godowns

CTRL + Q – To abandon a form

CTRL + R – To repeat narration in the same voucher type

CTRL + S – Allows you to alter Stock Item master

CTRL + U – To select the Units

CTRL + V – To select the Voucher Types

CTRL + K – To login to Control Centre

CTRL + H – To access the Support Centre

Alt + Enter – To view the Voucher display

Excel shortcut keys

Excel shortcut keys are a set of key combinations that help users navigate and perform functions quickly and efficiently in Excel. These Excel shortcuts allow you to access various features and commands in Excel without the need for a mouse.

These Excel Shortkeys will save time and improve your productivity. So Learning these shortcut keys can help you to become more proficient in Excel and accomplish your tasks faster. Let’s Read some Excel shortcut keys….

F2 – Edit the selected cell

F5 – Go to a specific cell

F7 – Spell check selected text and/or document

F11 – Create a chart

Ctrl + Shift + ; – Enter the current time

Ctrl + ; – Enter the current date

Alt + Shift + F1 – Insert a new worksheet

Shift + F3 – Open the Excel formula window

Shift + F5 – Bring up the search box

Ctrl + A – Select all contents of a worksheet

Ctrl + B – Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + I – Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + V – Paste

Ctrl + D – Fill

Ctrl + K – Insert link

Ctrl + F – Open find and replace options

Ctrl + G – Open go-to options

Ctrl + H – Open find and replace options

Ctrl + U – Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + Y – Underline selected text

Ctrl + 5 – Strikethrough highlighted selection

Ctrl + N – Create a new workbook

Ctrl + P – Open a print dialog box

Ctrl + S – Save the changes

Ctrl + Z – Undo the last action

Ctrl + F9 – Minimize the current window

Ctrl + F10 – Maximize the currently selected window

Ctrl + F6 – Switch between open workbooks/windows

Ctrl + Page up & Page Down – Move between Excel worksheets in the same document

Ctrl + Tab – Move between two or more open Excel files

Alt + = – Create the formula to sum all of the above cells

Ctrl + – Insert the value of the above cell into the current cell

Ctrl + Shift + ! – To format number in comma format

Ctrl + Shift + $ – To format number in currency format

Ctrl + Shift + # – To format number in date format

Ctrl + Shift + % – To format number in percentage format

Ctrl + Shift + ^ – To format number in scientific format

Ctrl + Shift + @ – To format number in time format

Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move to the next section of text

Ctrl + Space – Select an entire column

Shift + Space – Select an entire row

Ctrl + W – Close the document

Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts

Windows 11 has Many keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate and operate your PC or Laptop more efficiently.

These Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts can save your time and effort while working on your computer. It can also make your Windows 11 experience more productive and convenient.

So learn these Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts and make your work easy.

Copy: Ctrl + C

Cut: Ctrl + X

Paste: Ctrl + V

Maximize Window: F11 or Windows logo key  + Up arrow

Open Task View: Windows logo key  + Tab

Display and hide the desktop: Windows logo key  + D

Switch between open apps: Alt Tab

Open the Quick Link menu: Windows logo key  + X

Lock your PC: Windows logo key  + L

Depending on your hardware, you can use the Windows logo key  + PrtScn to take a screenshot or use Fn + Windows logo key  + Spacebar.

Shortkeys and Purpose

Ctrl + X – Cut the selected item.

Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) – Copy the selected item.

Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) – Paste the selected item.

Ctrl + Z – Undo an action.

Alt + Tab – Switch between open apps.

Alt + F4 – Close the active item or exit the active app.

Windows logo key  + L – Lock your PC.

Windows logo key  + D  – Display and hide the desktop.

F2 – Rename the selected item.

F3 – Search for a file or folder in File Explorer.

F4 – Display the address bar list in File Explorer.

F5 – Refresh the active window.

F6 – Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop.

F10 – Activate the Menu bar in the active app.

Alt + F8 – Show your password on the sign-in screen.

Alt + Esc – Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened.

Alt + underlined  – letter Perform the command for that letter.

Alt + Enter – Display properties for the selected item.

Alt + Spacebar – Open the shortcut menu for the active window.

Alt + Left arrow – Go back.

Alt + Right arrow – Go forward.

Alt + Page Up – Move up one screen.

Alt + Page Down – Move down one screen.

Ctrl + F4 – Close the active document (in apps that are full-screen and let you have multiple documents open at the same time).

Ctrl + A – Select all items in a document or window.

Ctrl + D (or Delete) – Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.

Ctrl + E – Open Search (in most apps).

Ctrl + R (or F5) – Refresh the active window.

Ctrl + Y – Redo an action.

Ctrl + Right arrow – Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.

Ctrl + Left arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.

Ctrl + Down arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.

Ctrl + Up arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.

Ctrl + Alt + Tab Use the arrow keys to switch between all open apps.

Alt + Shift + arrow keys When a group or tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it in the direction specified.

Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys When a tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it into another tile to create a folder.

Ctrl + arrow keys Resize the Start menu when it’s open.

Ctrl + arrow key (to move to an item) + Spacebar Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop.

Ctrl + Shift with an arrow key Select a block of text.

Ctrl + Esc Open Start.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager.

Ctrl + Shift Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available.

Ctrl + Spacebar Turn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off.

Shift + F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.

Shift with any arrow key Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document.

Shift + Delete Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first.

Right arrow Open the next menu to the right or open a submenu.

Left arrow Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.

Esc Stop or leave the current task.

PrtScn Take a screenshot of your whole screen and copy it to the clipboard.

You can change this shortcut so it also opens screen snipping, which lets you edit your screenshot. Select Start  > Settings Ease of Access Keyboard, and turn on the toggle under Print Screen shortcut.

Above are some basic computer shortcuts like keyboard shortcuts windows 11, keyboard shortcuts list, keyboard shortcut keys pdf, windows shortcut keys pdf, keyboard shortcuts windows 10 pdf , and refresh shortcut key.

There are many more like this. These shortcuts will make it easier for you to get things done faster on the laptop. Windows keyboard shortcuts are a crucial tool for boosting productivity and developing your computer abilities.

With any Windows laptop or Computer, you may make your job simpler and faster by employing these straightforward keyboard shortcuts.

Q: What are keyboard shortcuts in Windows?

Keyboard shortcuts are straightforward key combinations that can be used to quickly complete frequent actions like copying, pasting, and printing without opening numerous menus.

Q: Why should I use keyboard shortcuts?

You may conduct a variety of functions on your computer’s keyboard by pressing specific keys or key combinations. Using a shortcut to complete a task is frequently quicker than using the mouse since both of your hands may stay on the keyboard.

Q: Are keyboard shortcuts available in all applications and programs?

A Yes, Mostly you will find smart shortcut keys (short keys) in all programs and applications.

Covered topics in Post: keyboard shortcut keys pdf, 100 shortcut keys in computer, keyboard shortcuts windows 10, shortcut keys of computer a to z pdf, what are the 20 shortcut keys, windows 10 shortcut keys pdf, and windows shortcut keys.

Soon we will post 100 shortcut keys in the computer, and create keyboard shortcuts in windows 10 so stay with us. 

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