Systems Of Numeration for Primary Classes
Systems Of Numeration (Primary) for Junior Classes
Two Systems of numeration are followed in reading and writing numbers. One is the Indian System followed in our country and the other is the international system followed worldwide.
Indian And International Systems Of Numeration
what is indian system of numeration ?
The numerals in Hindu-Arabic system are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Period | Places |
Crores | Ten Crore |
Crores | |
Lakhs | Ten Lakhs |
Lakhs | |
Thousands | Ten Thousand |
Thousands | |
Ones | Hundreds |
Tens | |
Ones |
The Periods in The Indian System are Ones, Thousands, Lakhs, Crores etc. as shown in the Chart .
10 Ones = 1 Ten |
10 tens = 1 hundred |
10 hundreds = 1 thousand |
10 thousands = 1 ten thousands |
10 ten thousands = 1 lakh |
10 lakhs = 1 ten lakhs |
10 ten lakhs = 1 crore |
10 crore = 1 ten crore |
10 ten crore = 1 arab (100 Crores) |
Example : The Number 934560287 is written in the indian system as 93, 45, 60, 287. it is read as Ninety Three Crore, Forty Five Lakh, Sixty Thousand, two Hundred Eighty Seven.
What is International System of Numeration ?
Period | Places |
Millions | Hundred Millions |
Ten Millions | |
Millions | |
Thousands | Hundred Thousands |
Ten Thousands | |
Thousands | |
Ones | Hundreds |
Tens | |
Ones |
The Period in the international system are ones, Thousands Millions, Billions etc.
10 Ones = 1 Ten |
10 Tens = 1 Hundred |
10 Hundreds = 1 Thousand |
10 Thousands = 1 Ten Thousands |
10 Ten Thousands = 1 Hundred Thousand |
10 Hundred Thousands = 1 Million |
10 Millions = 1 Ten Million |
10 Ten Millions = 1 Hundred Million |
10 Hundred Millions = 1 Billion |
Example : The Number 313467985 is written in the international system as 313, 467, 985. It is read as three hundred thirteen million, four hundred sixty seven thousand, nine hundred eighty five.
Relation Between the Indian Numeration System and The International Numeration System.
100 Thousands = 1 Lakh |
1 Million = 10 Lakhs |
10 millions = 1 Crore |
100 Millions = 10 crores |
1 billion = 100 Crores \ 1 Arab |
In this Post we covered numeration systems, indian system of numeration, international system of numeration, egyptian numeration system, numeral system, systems of numeration, number systems, system of numeration, mayan numeration system, roman numeration system, indian number system, indian numeral system, numeration, chinese numeration system, babylonian numeration system, ancient egypt numeration system, international numeration system, what is indian system of numeration.