How to Participate in 75 Crore Surya Namaskar ?

Written by Shiksha Press

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We might be living longer in the 21st century, but are we really living better? Millions of people follow unhealthy lifestyle. Whether it’s sitting at their desks for too long, subjecting their eyes to uninterrupted hours of screen time on phones or desktops, children spending hours on different type of screen, ordering too many takeaways for dinner, or not finding enough time to catch those precious 8 hours of sleep,,, all these factors have led to people encountering major health issues, that affects not just their physical wellbeing, but also mental health, causing intense stress and anxiety.
While exercising is an effective way to combat these health issues, the ancient practice of Suryanamaskar is a much better way in battling modern lifestyle diseases.

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How to Participate in 75 Crore Surya Namaskar?

Instructions for individuals/ Students to participate in the project

  1. Login to and click on the link of “individual registration” to open the registration form.
  2. Provide your personal details correctly while filling up the form. Take care that spelling of your name and town is correct as it will be printed as it is on your certificate.
  3. Users who have logged in with their Google account or Facebook need not to verify their phone number.
  4. Learn Suryanamaskar with the help of the video available on website.
  5. If participant is having any medical issue they must consult their doctor before participating in the Suryanamaskar project as it involves 8 minute physical workout with body bending.
  6. One can start performing 13 Suryanamaskar everyday from 1st January 2022. It takes only 8 minutes to perform 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar. Every participant has to perform Suryanamaskar for minimum 21 days in the period of 1st Jan to 20th Feb 2022.
  7. To update your daily practice record you have to follow following steps –
    • Log in with Google link or with your registered WhatsApp no and password.
    • Click on the “Calendar” link on your profile page
    • Click on the check box according to your day.
  8. Continuing the practice of Suryanamskar even after the project is completed will benefit you to keep yourself healthy and happy for lifetime.
  9. We wish you all the best and a big thanks for participating in this mega project to celebrate the 75th anniversary of independence.
  10. We would like you to become an inspiration for others by sharing your photo / video of Suryanamaskar. Please post your photo on Facebook/ Twitter/ Koo and HashTag it with
    • #750millionsuryanamaskar
    • #75करोड़सूर्यनमस्कार
    • #75करोडसूर्यनमस्कार
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