Participate in the Children’s Day Special (14th November) Quiz for Students

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Children’s Day Quiz 2024 – Fun Facts & Answers for 14th November!

Welcome to Shiksha Press. We wish you all a very exciting and memorable Children’s Day. In this post you will have an engaging and enjoyable MCQs Quiz on Children’s Day with Answers.

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Children’s Day is the most awaited day for children all around the country. Here we have brought an amazing chance to celebrate this children’s day in an innovative way by solving this MCQs Quiz with answers that could add enthusiasm in your spirit.


Why to Take Children’s Day Quiz for Students?

Taking this Children’s Day Quiz for kids is a fun and educational way for students to celebrate this special day. It helps them learn about the significance of Children’s Day.

This quiz also tests their general knowledge and encourages a spirit of curiosity and enthusiasm in them. Moreover, it is a great way to engage with friends and classmates to challenge them and discover interesting facts in an enjoyable way!

Enjoy Taking Part in Children’s Day MCQs Quiz for Kids with Answers!


#1. Which flower is associated with Jawaharlal Nehru?

#2. Who wrote the famous children’s story “The Jungle Book”?

#3. Before 14th Nov, on which date was Children’s Day celebrated in India?

#4. What is the aim of organizing quizzes and competitions on Children’s Day?

#5. Which children’s movie is often screened during Children’s Day?

#6. In which year did India start celebrating Children’s Day on 14th November?

#7. Children’s Day is celebrated in India to honor the birth anniversary of which Indian leader?

#8. What is the significance of a rose in Children’s Day celebrations?

#9. Which international organization declared November 20th as Universal Children’s Day?

#10. Who wrote the classic story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”?

#11. Which color is associated with Children’s Day celebrations?

#12. In which year was the United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted?

#13. What was the primary reason behind celebrating Children’s Day?

#14. Who is the author of the famous children’s book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”?

#15. When is Children’s Day celebrated in India?

#16. Who created the character “Winnie the Pooh”?

#17. Who said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow”?

#18. What is usually the main message on Children’s Day?

#19. What was Jawaharlal Nehru lovingly called by children?

#20. What do schools often organize on Children’s Day?



Congratulations on completing the Children’s Day Quiz! You have completed a fun and educational journey through fascinating facts, stories, and general knowledge. Remember, quizzes like this are not just about getting the right answers—they’re about exploring new ideas, learning more, and challenging yourself.

National Unity Day Quiz for Students with Participation Certificates and Prizes

For those of you who didn’t score as high as you hoped, don’t worry! Every quiz is a learning experience. Mistakes help you grow and improve. Take note of the areas where you can do better, and keep practicing! You can take this quiz as many times as you want.


Children’s Day Quiz 2024 Questions and Answers for Kids

Here are 10 Children’s Day Quiz 2024 Questions and Answers for Kids:

Who is known as the “Father of the Nation” in India?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

What is the date of Children’s Day in India?

Answer: 14th November

What was the name of the tiger featured in the famous children’s story “The Jungle Book”?

Answer: Sher Khan

Who wrote the famous book for kids “Adventures of Robin Hood”?

Answer: Roger Lancelyn Green

When is Student’s Day Celebrated?

Answer: October 15

What is the name of the first animated feature film created by Walt Disney?

Answer: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

Which famous children’s book character lives in a house made of chocolate and candy?

Answer: Hansel and Gretel

What is the main theme of Children’s Day?

Answer: Celebrating and promoting the rights and welfare of children.

Which popular children’s character is known for his red-and-white striped shirt and mischievous nature?

Answer: Dennis the Menace

Great job to everyone, and let’s keep working hard to do even better next time! Happy Children’s Day!

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