CBSE Circular: Authenticity of Marksheet cum Passing Certificate and Migration Certificate on Digilocker

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CBSE Circular: CBSE 12th mark sheet, migration certificate on Digilocker valid for admissions

CBSE issued guidelines for UGC that Universities should accept Class-12 marksheets, certificates available in DigiLocker.

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CBSE Latest News: CBSE Issued a Very Important Circular regarding the authenticity of the Class 12 Marksheet cum Passing Certificate and Migration Certificate. CBSE declared the result of Class XIl on 22.07.2022. Immediately after the declaration of the result Marksheet cum Passing certificate and Migration Certificate of the students have been made available in their digilocker. Both the documents available in the Digilocker are digitally signed by the Controller of Examinations.

The CBSE has urged the University Grants Commission (UGC) to direct all universities and colleges to accept digital copies of the Class-12 marksheets, certificates available in DigiLocker.

CBSE mentioned in the circular that It has come to the notice that certain universities are asking the students to submit paper printed copies of the migration certificate. Though CBSE is supplying the printed copy to the students shortly, however, it is informed that documents i.e. Marksheet cum Passing certificate and Migration Certificate available in digilocker with digital signature is also legally valid and should be accepted by all higher educational institutions.

Stepwise User guide to access Class X and XII Marksheets cum Passing Certificate & Migration Certificate

DigiLocker is an Indian digitisation online service provided by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under the Centre’s Digital India initiative.

DigiLocker Account Confirmation Process

1. Students can visit the URL for initiation of the DigiLocker account confirmation process.

2. Once reached “Read the given instruction carefully and keep the necessary information ready”

3. Click on Get Started with Account Confirmation.

4. To confirm your DigiLocker account you have to select your class first either X or XII.

5. Then, enter your school code, roll number, and 6-digit security PIN (the PIN shall be provided by your school, if not recd please contact your school) Than click “Next”

6. Your basic details will be shown as under – Enter your ten-digit mobile number and click on the “Submit” button. Note: in case of Class X, you may also be prompted to enter your “Date of Birth”

7. An OTP will be sent on mobile no entered. Now enter OTP (One time password) received on your mobile number and click on the “Submit” button.

8. Your DigiLocker account shall be activated upon successful confirmation Click on “Go to DigiLocker account.

9. In case, if you are already a registered user of DigiLocker i.e. your mobile number is already registered with DigiLocker, you may be prompted with the following message i.e. “Please click on Go to DigiLocker account”.

Note: For DigiLocker accounts activated using the 6-digit PIN (similar to the above process), the mark sheets are automatically pushed to the issued section. However, for DigiLocker accounts created using the general process (not the above process), the user must search and pull their marksheets by manually entering the search parameter.

Click here to read the official CBSE circular regarding the CBSE 12th mark sheet, and migration certificate on Digilocker valid for admissions.

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