8 Best Messages from the Bhagavad Gita for Teachers

How the Bhagavad Gita Can Help You Be a Better Teacher

Shiksha Press

Teachers illuminate the paths of knowledge and virtue, just like the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita guides seekers.

Message 1 - Guiding Light

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Teachers inspire students to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in life, akin to Lord Krishna's guidance to Arjuna.

Message 2 - Duty and Purpose

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Like the principle of selfless action in the Gita, teachers dedicate themselves to shaping students' futures without seeking personal gain.

Message 3 - Selfless Service

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Teachers teach the importance of adapting to change, as Arjuna adapts under Krishna's guidance in the battlefield.

Message 4 - Adaptability

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Just as the Gita instills confidence, teachers empower students with knowledge and self-assurance to face life's challenges.

Message 5 - Empowerment

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Teachers serve as mentors, nurturing not only academic growth but also character development, like Lord Krishna to Arjuna.

Message 6 - Mentorship

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The Gita emphasizes disciplined action. Similarly, teachers instill discipline, teaching students the value of consistent effort.

Message 7 - Discipline

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In times of confusion, teachers offer calm guidance, much like Lord Krishna did for Arjuna, helping students find clarity.

Message 8 - Calm Amidst Chaos

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Teachers embody the eternal impact of the Bhagavad Gita's teachings, shaping minds and society for generations.

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