CBSE Circular: Project Veer Gatha 2 (Second Edition) for Students

Written by Shiksha Press

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CBSE Circular: Students will prepare a project on the Veer Gatha, top 25 students will get Prizes on Republic Day

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CBSE has started Veer Gatha Edition-2. Its purpose is to inculcate the feeling of patriotism among the students. Under the Veer Gatha Edition-2, the students who will prepare the best project on the gallantry award winners will be awarded a prize of ten thousand rupees and will also be honored in the parade organized in Delhi on 26 January. It was started for the first time in the year 2021.

CBSE Circular: Project Veer Gatha 2 for CBSE Students 

From October 6, the school will conduct Project Veer Gatha Edition 2 activities from its level. In which students will participate in Different project activities. All this will be done under the supervision of the school.

  • From November 1 to November 22, one best entry will have to be selected and sent according to the category. A school can give only four entries.
  • From November 25 to December 10, all the schools that submit their entry will be selected at the regional level.

Timeline for Conducting Project Veer Gatha Edition 2 Activities by Schools affiliated to CBSE:

Veer Gatha Activities

Important Dates

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CBSE to issue veer gatha official Circular to

their respective schools.

16 September 2023

Organizing/coordinating meetings with gallantry award

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winners by field units/organization of orientation

programs/virtual/online/in-person sessions by field

units in association with schools and CBSE Regional Offices.

13 September 2022 to

13 November 2022

Conducting activities at the school level: Aspirants will

Execute project activities under the overall supervision of


6 October 2022 to

10 November 2022

Schools to upload one best entry per category, a total of 4

from each school at the CBSE Veergatha portal.

1 November 2022 to

22 November 2022

Entries submitted by the schools are to be evaluated

at the regional level as per the rubric given in Annex I.

CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) is to finalize

the number of entries at the regional level. For

national-level selection, the authenticity and

originality of the entry being submitted will need to

be verified. Selected entries will be sent to the

committee for national-level evaluation.

25 November 2022 to

10 December 2022

MoE will designate a committee for national-level

assessment in CBSE.

25 November 2022 to

10 December 2022

National level assessment by a committee

nominated by MoE.

12 December 2022 to

30 December 2022

Handing over the results to the Ministry of Defence.

31 December 2022 

CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) is to finalize the number of entries at the regional level. For national-level selection, the authenticity and originality of the entry being submitted will need to be verified. Selected entries will be sent to the committee for national-level evaluation.

Veer Gatha Project 2 Winners Announcement 

CBSE will release the final list at the regional level. Whatever entries will be selected will go to the national level. MoE will prepare the final list in this. The National Level Evaluation will be conducted by the MoE Committee from 12 to 30 December. The result will be given to the Minister of Defense on December 31. After this, the top 25 winners will be honored on 26 January.

Topic and Category of Veer Gatha Project 2 (Second) Edition


Activity/ Entry in the

form of the following

Classes 3rd to 5th

Poem/Paragraph (150

words)/Story (150



Classes 6th to 8th

Poem/Essay (300 words) /

Story (300 words) Painting/

Drawing / Video

Classes 9th to 10th

Poem/Essay (750 words) /

Story (750 words)

Painting/ Drawing / Video

Classes 11th to 12th

Poem/Essay (1000

words)/Story (1000 words)

Painting / Drawing /


Who Can Participate in Veer Gatha Project 2?

This competition is being organized for the students of classes 3 to 12. The projects made by the students of this class can also be in the form of poetry, essay, painting, multi-media presentation, etc. One best entry from each category can be uploaded by the school on the CBSE portal

Veer Gatha Project Second Awards

  • 25 selected entries will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- by the Ministry of Defence.
  • Each of the 25 winners will be invited for Republic Day Celebration at Delhi.
  • All students whose entry is uploaded on the CBSE Veer Gatha portal will get an E- certificate of Participation.

Registration at Gallantry Award Portal (GAP): Schools will need to register all participating students at the Gallantry Award Portal of the MoD ( A unique ID will be given to all registered students. If a student’s entry is selected at the school level, the Unique ID will also be filled at the time of submission of entry at the CBSE/Veergatha portal. Further, all unique IDs will be sent to MoD.

Please note that the CBSE Veer Gatha Project Portal will be open for submission of entries from 1 st November to 22nd November 2022. Schools should not wait for the last date for submission of the best entries.

25 best entries, collectively from the participants at CBSE and MyGov Portals, will be selected for awards as per the following details:


Entries to be Selected

Classes 3rd to 5th


Classes 6th to 8th


Classes 9th to 10th


Classes 11th to 12th




Experts said that CBSE has taken a very good decision so that students can know the real heroes of the country, to inculcate the feeling of patriotism in them. Children from all schools actively participate in it. In this, talented children get recognition at the national level. That is why all children must participate in it.

Websites for Reference: The following links can be referred by schools:

  1. Website to know in detail about the brave-hearts.
  2. NCERT book on Param Vir Chakra Awardees at the link: Click Here

Click Here to Read CBSE’s official Circular Regarding CBSE Veer Gatha Project 2 (Second Edition) for Students. 

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